Monday, October 25, 2010

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer "This is no op-ed newspaper article..."

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

The Story of Emanuel Revici, M. D.
His medical breakthroughs, innovative treatments, and struggle for recognition.

by William Kelley Eidem

"This is no op-ed newspaper article... It's a whole book!"

Prologue from The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

"I have fought at the front lines in the war against cancer all my professional life. During my long tenure of battling cancer for my patients, I gradually became rather frustrated and unhappy with the little progress that has been made in the treatment of this disease.

"After more than forty years of seeing almost no breakthroughs on the medical front, it became painful seeing my patients every day, knowing that most of them had very little chance for a cure."

If someone you love has battled cancer, you know all too well the horrible side effects of the established cancer "treatments..."

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Explosive diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Severe pain
  • Fatigue
  • Hair-loss
  • Anemia
  • Immune suppression
  • Infection
  • Blood clotting
  • Reproductive damage
  • Nerve and muscle damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Damage to healthy cells, tissues, and organs...
  • Even death!

Another Cancer Miracle

During World War II, Revici successfully treats the cancer of the wife of the Soviet Ambassador to Mexico. He is offered the Stalin Decoration and $50,000. He turns them both down.

And that's just to name a few. The fact is—

It's an OUTRAGE—
Chemo Drugs and Radiation are POISON!

Order NOW!

See For Yourself—
Cancer-Eaten Bones Restored Within Months!

X-ray images of an anonymous Revici patient who was cured of cancer within months.
December 1948
April 1949

"When you see the x-rays of bones eaten away by cancer and then returning to normal, how can one but believe? I hope we can get more medical people to see the light and put his treatment into practice."

Louis E. Burns, M.D., 1955

"It's not alternative medicine;
it's real medicine."

—Caroline Stamu, M.D.

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Yes, There Is Hope For Cancer Sufferers

The handwriting is on the wall for the pharmaceutical industry's tight-fisted grip on cancer treatment. This flagrant profiteering at the expense of cancer victims will come to an end.

Because Dr. Revici's breakthroughs give us a glimpse at the future of medicine. It may take a few more decades before mainstream medicine catches on. But it's only a matter of time. And the clock is ticking.

Remember, Semmelweis was eventually exonerated... but only after Pasteur came along.

Fortunately for you, you won't have to wait for another Pasteur...

Because in The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, you'll learn all about Revici's revolutionary treatments and where you can get them.

A glimpse at what you will discover...

  • The surprising link between pH and a whole host of diseases—including cancer—that doctors still fail to recognize and test for. (Chapter 3)

  • Specific tests you can have your doctor perform to determine precisely whether you have an imbalance that can lead to cancer... and where that imbalance is located. (Chapter 33)

  • PLUS... 22 other ways to identify if you have a pH imbalance—including a 15-second breathing technique—that you can safely perform in the comfort of your own home. (Chapter 33)

  • What potassium levels in the blood serum can reveal about your cancer "pain pattern." (p. 37)

  • When surgery should be the absolute last thing you consider... and why it can actually cause your cancer to metastasize (spread to other parts of the body). (pp. 39-41)

  • Why radiation treatments are rarely effective, and can actually activate previously undiscovered metastases. (p. 40.)

  • Two classes of organic molecules with the power to eliminate cancer pain within a few minutes, and begin shrinking tumors in a matter of days or weeks. (p. 45)

  • The case of a cancer-eaten 74-year old woman who was hanging on to dear life by a slender thread. Yet, she lived another nine years until she died of... well... a heart attack. (p. 47) Plus dozens of other case histories and stories of cancer-cured patients.

  • The revolutionary—and heretical—theory of biology proposed by Dr. Revici which even allowed him to develop effective anti-viral drugs with the ability to control AIDS, Ebola, and other viral diseases. (Chapter 5 & 7)

  • A remarkably effective treatment for radiation burns—still rarely used—that twice had the U.S. Navy actively recruiting Dr. Revici to join their nuclear weapons program. (He refused both times.) (pp. 75-76)

  • The Revici drug—available only in German pharmacies—that successfully treats a whole host of conditions (including trauma-induced shock) with no apparent side effects.

  • How Revici's treatments have implications for Arthritis (pp. 112, 322), Heart Disease (p. 111), Migraines (pp. 111, 322), Alzheimer's Disease (p. 112), Viral Infections (Chapters 5 & 7), Drug Addiction (Chapter 9), Alcoholism (Chapter 9), Herpes (p. 112), AIDS (pp. 83-92, 147-154), some forms of Childhood Retardation (p. 112-113), Schizophrenia (pp. 98-99), and other diseases.

  • Why certain drugs and supplements can shrink a tumor... and others can grow it faster. You'll discover how to analyize your cancer "pain pattern," and identify which substances to take and which to avoid. (Chapter 33)

  • And... the ONE place in the U.S. where you can be treated using Revici's method... PLUS simple things you can do to help get the word out about this amazing cancer cure that has been ruthlessly sidelined by the medical establishment.

Discover The Real Medicine Of Dr. Revici

Listen... the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies are determined to milk their golden goose for all it's worth.

But you have a choice.

You can choose to hand over all your cash to these hucksters, and take your chances on a roll of the dice...

And you know what that means.

Or you can discover the real medicine of Dr. Emanuel Revici.

What I learned from researching this book saved me from Stage IV skin cancer... and here I am—alive and well 10 years later! Not even a trace of it remains.

I'm convinced the information in this book could save the lives of millions of Americans. If only they just knew the truth.

And the truth is... if you have the right information, there is nothing to fear from cancer. Once you read this book, you'll know that you, too, will never have to fear cancer ever again.

Read The Book. Then Decide.

360 Pages, 34 Chapters,
5 Parts, Complete Index

I invite you to read my book... even if you're still skeptical.

I'm so passionate about getting this in the hands of every citizen, I want you to try it for a full 60 days. That's two full months. Take your time. Read it.

If you don't feel it's "A must-read for anyone interested in the battle against cancer..." as Dr. Robert Atkins, M.D. (author of Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution) said...

...if you don't agree with these renowned doctors who reviewed the book...

"This well written and informative book about the life work of a most remarkable man will interest anyone concerned with cancer, the disease that touches all individuals and families today."

Dr. Raymond Brown, M.D.

"This book is very well written for a lay audience to get a good understanding of Dr. Revici's work."

Professor Gerhard Schrauzer
Editor, Biological Element Trace Research

...if you feel, after reading the book, that it's all a bunch of hogwash... then you'll get a complete and courteous refund. No questions asked. Simple as that. Fair enough?

Listen, it's very important to me this book gets in the hands of eve

ryone who needs it. I spent two years of my life researching and writing this book. I firmly believe it can change the life of everyone who reads it.

Will you discover the cancer miracles of Dr. Revici? And will you join me in my quest to let the world know?

To get started, simply click the link below to reserve your copy. You'll immediately begin discovering the incredible story of Dr. Revici and his dramatically effective cancer treatments... and how they can help you or a loved one successfully beat cancer.

See you on the other side!


William "Kelley" Eidem

Author, The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

Order NOW!

All cards accepted

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

*Important 2012 Info* What is really going to happen in December of 2012... and exactly how millions will be affected, and your world will be turned u

For Immediate Release: This is not another “sky is falling” warning like y2k... It's not some rallying cry for the lunatic fringe. And it's certainly notsomething dreamt up for a Hollywood movie...
Read on to discover...
The Day That Everything Changes !
What Will Happen To You ?

Where well-meaning “experts” went wrong... and why governments of the world ultimately decided not to tell you

What is really going to happen in December of 2012... and exactly how millions will be affected, and your world will be turned upside down... forever! the truth.

How you can safeguard your life... and the lives of your family members. Because you really can survive... and spiritually thrive in the wake of this life-changing event.

December 21, 2012 will be the most important date for all of Humanity. The ancient Mayans created the Long Count calender to mark this date as the beginning of a new cycle for Mankind.


I just wanted to tell you that James M. Sayer has just released a new 2012 package and membership that reveals the truth about the year 2012.

Now before you think this date doesn’t mean anything.

Every Major Religion, Minor Religions You've Never Heard Of, Non-Religious Spiritualists, And Even Athiests And Agnostics Agree in 2012 something will happen.

There are millions of people around the world sensing this big event is coming. But What will happen?

It was predicted by our ancient ancestors the Maya, Scientist, Religious Leaders, NASA and other Governments around the world that 2012 will be a very significant year for “You” and all of Humanity.

Getting this information is very important…

If you think this is just a bunch of hype then that’s perfectly fine. But it’s better to educate yourself about this and find out the real meaning of 2012 before you rule this out as conspiracy theory or a made up date for the entertainment industry... Want the truth?

Want To Visit - - > If you won't do it for yourself ... Do it for your family.
If Your Answer Is YES! Than Enter This Link For Details.

The world around you is in turmoil right now. People are starving, the economy is slowly declining, there are threats of war, new diseases and the weather has been more intense then it has been in many years.

Be in the know about 2012 and prepare yourself for every possible situation that could occur. If nothing happens, Great! But what if it does and this was your warning to prepare?

Now I'm not saying this date is all doom and gloom. James reveals that there is light at the end of the tunnel that doesn’t end in a catastrophe. But it’s up to you to become a part of that story line.

One more time... Check out - - >
Go to - - >
Read on to discover... To get The Truth about 2012!

Where well-meaning “experts” went wrong... and why all the governments of the world ultimately decided not to tell you the truth.

What is really going to happen in December of 2012... and exactly how millions will be devastated, and your world will be turned upside down... forever.

How you can safeguard your life... and the lives of your family members. Because you really can survive... and spiritually thrive in the wake of this life-changing event.

P. S. — It's so hard to find good, reliable information on the topic of 2012. You already know 2012: The Official Countdown is your only solution. Time is ticking away. Don't be like Gene. Don't ignore the facts.

P. P. S. — Remember... you're not obligated in any way. Signing up now gives you the opportunity to ask for a full refund for two full months! No questions asked. If you're not happy for any reason... just write and your cash is fully refunded.

Okay, James... I'm Getting In Now...

P. P. P. S. — Don't get your life-changing information from a Hollywood movie... don't get it from some wide open discussion forum where every whacko and his brother post bogus info for kicks. Assure that your knowledge is accurate. Assure your source is impeccable. That source is James Michael Sayer.

I'm Almost Ashamed I Waited So Long.
Please Sign Me Up. My Family Deserves The Truth...

But see why some people are calling 2012 "Doomsday" and the end of the world ... As we know it! Don't believe the Nay-Sayers... Learn the Real Truth about 2012.

“This information is beyond incredible! I was worried that I was going to get another book about 2012 that was hard to understand with the lack of evidence. Instead I received a package that blew my mind away with highly researched material that simply hasn't been discussed before. James Sayer is the one guy who knows his stuff about the coming events in 2012. Even if you don't believe in 2012 I still recommend everyone read this...
John Dale Wiltshire, UK
So, You're just moments from...

The real truth about Government Coverups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know...

Learning how you can help turn what many believe to be the darkest period in history into the most enlightened. Could universal racial harmony really be achievable?

The truth about the Sibylline Books and the end of the world. And how so much faith has been put in texts that turn out to be a fraud...

Discovering the massive “phantom” that's hiding right behind the sun. Is it Niburu? Planet X? Something else entirely? And how will this change your survival plan?

An multi-pronged survival plan. Will it be Adam and Eve all over again? If so... do you have what it takes to start over for humanity?

The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? This might blow your mind!

Unearthing the truth about “The Fifth Age Of Man” and whether 2012 is an ending... or a much needed new beginning for us all.

Realizing “The Age Of Aquarius” isn't merely a Hippie anthem, but a time in history we're already in. And how does this coincide with “The Age Of Completion”?

Discovering how you'll deal with simple things like drinkable water... breathable air... even going to the bathroom in 2012. It may not be pretty... but you'll have to know this stuff!

Instant Access!
Many Thanks For Join With Us.